The department offers particular courses mostly in English, but also in
Russian and Greek languages for students of Erasmus exchange programme.
The department has joined into a cooperation with Silesian University in Katowice (Poland), Vilnius University (Lithuania), University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Technical University of Liberec (Czech Republic) based on Erasmus bilateral agreements for year 2014/15.
At the moment we provide the following courses in foreign languages :
The department has joined into a cooperation with Silesian University in Katowice (Poland), Vilnius University (Lithuania), University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Technical University of Liberec (Czech Republic) based on Erasmus bilateral agreements for year 2014/15.
At the moment we provide the following courses in foreign languages :
Course title:
Course code: Language of instruction: Form of teaching: Form of assessment: Course description: Level of study: Semester: ECTS: Name of guarantor: Course title: Course code: Language of instruction: Form of teaching: Form of assessment: Course description: Level of study: Semester: ECTS: Name of guarantor: Course title: Course code: Language of instruction: Form of teaching: Form of assessment: Course description: Level of study: Semester: ECTS: Name of guarantor: Course title: Course code: Language of instruction: Form of teaching: Form of assessment: Course description: Level of study: Semester: ECTS: Name of guarantor: Course title: Course code: Language of instruction: Form of teaching: Form of assessment: Course description: Level of study: Semester: ECTS: Name of guarantor: Course title: Course code: Language of instruction: Form of teaching: Form of assessment: Course description: Level of study: Semester: ECTS: Name of guarantor: Course title: Course code: Language of instruction: Form of teaching: Form of assessment: Course description: Level of study: Semester: ECTS: Name of guarantor: Course title: Course code: Language of instruction: Form of teaching: Form of assessment: Course description: Level of study: Semester: ECTS: Name of guarantor: Course title: Course code: Language of instruction: Form of teaching: Form of assessment: Course description: Level of study: Semester: ECTS: Name of guarantor: Course title: Course code: Language of instruction: Form of teaching: Form of assessment: Course description: Level of study: Semester: ECTS: Name of guarantor: |
Ancient Greek Philosophy
KFI/ AntFi/08 English, Greek lecture, seminar continuous assessment, paper Students are lead to understand the process of revealing the truth in thought of Ancient Greek Philosophers, the chronological division of the epoch as well as to analyse the origins of philosophical thinking, identify basic features of its historical context and influences, and familiarise with the fundamental originally Greek philosophical concepts and their interpretation in order to integrate them into his general understanding of philosophy. Bachelor winter (semester 1) 6 prof. ThDr. Ján Zozuľak, PhD., Mgr. Klement Mitterpach, PhD. Introduction to Ethics KFI/UvEt /08 English seminar paper This course aims to provide an introduction to the field of ethics, determination of its subject, criteria of distinguishing the ethical, measures and their sources of validity as well as its key dilemmas, all based on exemplary examples of these taken from the thought of the main thinkers of the Western philosophical tradition. Bachelor winter (semester 1) 3 Mgr. Klement Mitterpach, PhD. Philosophy of Science KFI/FVD/13 English seminar continuous assessment, paper This course aims to provide a broad background to the discussions and debates in philosophy of science. Since many of the current debates are shaped by the dominant traditions in philosophy of science in the 20th century and it aims to students´ ability to appreciate and understand contemporary discussions on the subject, the time spent on the traditional material will be abbreviated. Students are encouraged to bring to the discussion material from sciences in which they have background and are expected to do the assigned reading. Master winter (semester 3) 3 Mgr. Lenka Kocinová, PhD. Introduction to Analytic Philosophy KFI/UAF/13 English seminar continuous assessment, paper This course is concerned with the emergence of analytic philosophy from 1879 to roughly 1970, and primarily on the works of Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein. Lesser attention may also be paid to other figures such as Moore, Strawson and Donnellan. The primary focus is on their theories in the areas of logic, metaphysics and the philosophy of language. Students are expected to do the assigned reading and to attend the class sessions. Bachelor summer (semester 2) 3 Mgr. Lenka Kocinová, PhD. Social Philosophy KFI/SocFil/08 English seminar paper The course provides an insight into the social philosophy which is one of the important branches of the philosophy and focuses on essential issues such as the nature and scope of social philosophy, its relations to other branches of philosophy, social equality, justice, wealth and poverty, alienation, freedom. It also presents main fetures of some of the current theories of social philosophy. Bachelor winter (semester 5) 3 doc. PhDr. Vladimír Manda, CSc. Philosophy of Global Crisis KFI/FGK/13 English seminar paper The goal of the course is to gain basic knowledge of the current crisis of global industrial civilization and its philosophical reflection. Course provides basic information about main phenomenon of crisis in contemporary society and the most important theories of social, economic, politic and environmental crises and their mutual conditionality and interdependency. Master winter 3 Mgr. Richard Sťahel, PhD. Philosophy of Place and Space KFI/FilPriest/08 English seminar continuous assessment, paper The course makes students follow and explicate the ways place and space appear as a significant theme in philosophy as well as they indicate the ways in which the topic appears as methodologically significant and revealing even with philosophers (their particular texts) who did not focus on the particular subject. Master summer (semester 2) 3 Mgr. Klement Mitterpach, PhD. Aesthetics KFI/Este/08 Russian seminars exam The aim of the course is to gain knowledge about current issues of aesthetics and arts and apply them through acquired skills to solve selected problems. Bachelor summer (semester 6) 4 doc. Viera Jakubovská, PhD. Multicultural education KFI/MultkVych/08 Russian seminars continuous assessment The main objective of the course is to understand the fundamentals, importance and necessity of developing intercultural competence in our multicultural society. Multicultural education is presented as a cross-cutting theme, which will be explored during the course in detail. Master summer (semester 2) 3 doc. Viera Jakubovská, PhD. |